(Based on the homonymous film)

cc Versión en español

The Project

F. Javier Martín Ortiz & José María Gallego Alonso Colmenares

Our project aims to make a real and/or virtual recreation of the film of the same name. To do so, we have outlined three different methods of representation which, along with being non-exclusive, may be substituted or combined with new ideas:

1. The construction of a small-scale prototype of Fermat's room.
2. The construction of a life-size Fermat's room where the visitor can experience the same feelings as the characters and be faced with the same challenges.
3. The creation of a videogame with questions and answers which reproduce scenarios seen in the film.

In all three cases, the activity will be accompanied by a set of mathematical games and mind puzzles which would complement the challenges that each player has to overcome.

Fermat's Room is a European project within the eTwinning collaboration program between professors and it has contributors from Poland and Romania. It consists of a variety of blogs and websites which provide material and act as a means of communication between the collaborators: bloggimnazjum 1W, Zawiercie, Poland website ; In Romania, the Tehnic de Comunicatii Augustin Maior Cluj-Napoca Colegiul and the Romanian team website

It was also selected for the MediaLab-PradoAssociation's "Playing with Numbers" workshop where the project has further developed.

Project Contributors:

M Dolores Alonso-Colmenares
Lorenzo Benito
Pablo Guaza
Jaime Melis
Jose Luis Rodriguez
Paola Tognazzi
Diana Torres
Alumnos del IES Humanes
Rafael Losada
Filomena Lara
José Manuel Santiago
Antonio Vaca
Isaac Sesmero
Thanks to the producer of the film:

Vertice films





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Playing space


All the riddles of the videogame

Riddle´s store

Playing with the prototype

Building the prototype

Make your own Fermat´s room (click)